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Nominate a volunteer to receive recognition



Do you know an RLSS UK member who willingly gives up their time to help others enjoy water safely?

Why not nominate them for an RLSS UK Honour? The nomination process is a simple step to ensuring that special someone gets the recognition they deserve. We’re pleased to announce that the Honours process has now reopened, recognising activity completed in 2021. All nominations are submitted through your RLSS UK Account (powered by tahdah). Please take a little time to read through the guidance and familiarise yourself with the process. The National Presentation of Honours is designed to say thank you to all that contribute to a reduction in drowning across the UK and Ireland and allows individuals and groups to celebrate their achievements. We want to ensure we recognise our invaluable members and affiliate members indebted to the outstanding contribution volunteering their time to educate and train the UK and Irish public to enjoy water safely. Please visit the Honours page on our website for full details, guidance notes, and to access the nomination forms. Please also make a note of the important dates below, as failure to submit nominations by the deadline could result in nominations being rejected.

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